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Meet Shanita

Wife, mom, author and IP Strategist who helps women uncover their identity and purpose.

Shanita is familiar with feeling like a stranger in her own land. From the age of 12 years old she struggled with understanding who she was as steward of her life. Unfortunately, that dark cloud followed for years.  It wasn't until  Shanita began seeing herself through the eyes of God that she realized she was hidden beneath layers of labels, most were self inflicted. God took her through a process of uncovering and healing.


Eventually Shanita shared her story with women in her book "Beauty Beneath the Surface." Immediately, women of all backgrounds; cross generational, multiracial, moms, single and married were reaching out to share their personal struggles. This pressed her to take another step and help other women to unveil their healing in the form of "Learning to Love Me," a prayer journal guide.


As an IP (Identity & Purpose) Strategist Shanita is continuing her journey by partnering with women strategically peeling back layers of their life to uncover their identity & purpose.  She will coach you through the process of stewarding your life well.

If you do not know who you are this world will assign an identity to you.


Shanita Rogers

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Wife, mom, author and IP Strategist who helps women uncover their identity and purpose.

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